A last adventure for the road: living in an Inuvialuit hunting camp deep down the wild MacKenzie Delta

Everything is packed. The truck is fully loaded with our equipment meant for complete autonomy during several days. Bennet and I are gearing up as the temperatures are dropping close to 0oC in the Delta.

Nunataryuk WP4 - Tuktoyaktuk coastal station

The objective of the expedition? Tracking (ground)water from coastal permafrost and massive ground ice thawing and discharging in the nearshore ocean.

Successful EU review and General Assembly in Nice

Nunataryuk has concluded a successful General Assembly, which included an external review with many constructive points and critiques.

Nunataryuk field school in Abisko April 2020

Nunataryuk is cooperating with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the Terrestrial Multidisciplinary distributed Observatories for the Study of Arctic Connections (T-MOSAiC) in organizing Nunataryuk-APECS-T-MOSAiC School 2020.

Arctic socio-economic Atlas by Nordregio

As part of Nunataryuk’s research, this working paper examines the environmental challenges related to permafrost by combining geographical data with demographic data in order to describe coastal and inland settlements.

Bubbling under the Arctic Seabed

Permafrost under the Arctic seabed is more widespread than previously thought, and is mostly warming, a new study finds.

2nd Nunataryuk General Assembly, Nice France

The 2nd Nunataryuk General Assembly will take place 24. - 27. September 2019 in Nice, France.

Another successful season of UAV mapping in Tuktoyaktuk and Paulatuk

Following the surveys with drones conducted in 2018, the field research this season was done further east, aiming at high quality 3D baseline surveys and data for analysing satellite imagery.

Herschel Island Expedition 2019 – Blog Post 5

Open, Pack, Close. For a short time, the warehouse looks quite messy for everyone who does not participate in our work.

Komakuk Summer Expedition 2019 –Summary

The fieldwork of WP 1 at Komakuk Beach (Ivvavik National Park, Yukon Territory, CA has been successful. We collected more than 400 soil samples, vegetation, root and water samples.


After our scoping fieldwork to Yakutsk in June, we came back to the Sakha Republic in Russia to continue our research.

Nunataryuk-WP4-Eastern Sector, August 1-4, 2019

On Highway 10 from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk, Guislain, Édouard and Joannie drive on the newly opened road built on the permafrost.

Nunataryuk-WP4- Microbes in the Canadian Arctic

This organic matter, mainly of terrigenous origin, comes in part from the thawing of permafrost caused by global warming, which is particularly intense in the Arctic.

Nunataryuk-WP4 - Expedition 3 Western Sector July 21-31, 2019

A short break in Quebec City for scientists before flying again to Inuvik, this time with an almost entirely new crew.

Nunataryuk-WP4-Mud from Space

Well, this title is a bit of a short cut to describe the satellite activities, but it summarises it all.