Science serendipity - Successful First Expedition for the WP4 team

The Takuvik-AWI team successfully completed the first WP4 expedition. A fortunate stroke of serendipity? Undeniably.

First Days of the First Takuvik Expedition - a different kind of Easter hunt!

The countdown before the ultimate lift off has begun. Six team mates. Five airplane take-offs and landings. Four pieces of luggage each.

Yukon Coast 2019 Spring - Arriving to field

Up here in the North, the spring field season has started and we are busy preparing the Nunataryuk Expedition Yukon Coast 2019 Spring.

The Takuvik gear is on the move!

After a rushed session of box filling, stacking, identifying, enumerating and wrapping, the scientific gear is finally on the move.

Nunataryuk field visit to Ilulissat and Qeqertarsuaq in Disco Bay, Greenland

Nunataryuk field visit to Ilulissat and Qeqertarsuaq in Greenland to host local consultations and interviews.

A tour of Northwest Territories communities by the Takuvik team at Université Laval and partner from ISMER in Canada

In February 2019, members of the Nunataryuk WP4 “Coastal Waters” team conduct a tour of the Northwest Territories communities.

Adaptation to permafrost thaw - Welcome to Yakutia, Russia!

The first scoping trip to Russia was held between June and July 2018 to the city of Yakutsk which is the capital of the Sakha Republic or “Yakutia”.

Ice safety training for the Takuvik team at Université Laval in Canada

Ice safety training is a necessaty before going to the field.

1st Nunataryuk General Assembly in Venice 3-5 October 2018

1st Nunataryuk General Assembly took place on San Servolo island in Venice Italy between 3-5 October.

News from the ultra-high resolution aerial imagery surveying field team

our taks is to conduct high resolution mapping to provide a snapshot of the present state of the coast and to assess on the rates of coastal change, especially after 2015.

Yukon Coast Blog no.4 - You can find me on the mainland, call me on my satphone…

One of the key aims of this year’s expedition was sampling and ground-truthing the soils and streams of the coastal tundra plain that run through the landscape.

Yukon Coast Blog no.3 - Christine

A couple of weeks ago the rebirth of our research vessel “Christine” allowed us to sail in the Herschel Basin (50-60 m water depth), southeast of the Island, to test the seismic imagery system.

Yukon Coast 2018 Blog no.2 - The Qikiqtaruk Zoo

Losing track of time and space, we only just realized that it has already been one week on Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island).

Yukon Coast 2018 Blog no.1 - Welcome

Quvianaqtusi qaigapsi, Wilkommen, Welkom, Bienvenue, Välkommen, Bem vinda, Welcome to the 2018 Nunataryuk field campaign blog of the Qikiqtaruk (Herschel Island) and the Yukon Coast Expedition!

Getting started: first information and consultation meetings in Longyearbyen, Svalbard

Information and consultation meetings with local communities from the early stages of the project ensures stakeholder involvement, which is an important element of the NUNATARYUK research design.