T-MOSAiC is an IASC pan-Arctic, land-based program that will extend the activities of the IASC flagship program MOSAiC: ‘The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate’, which is a multinational year-round study (2019-2020) of the central Arctic Ocean to measure the coupling between atmosphere, sea ice, ocean and ecosystem processes.
The objective of the satellite program T-MOSAiC is to coordinate complementary activities that will both aid and benefit from MOSAiC (especially the modelling components) by extending the work to the lands surrounding the Arctic Ocean and to the northern communities who live on those lands.
The T-MOSAiC Special Issue of Arctic Science "Terrestrial Geosystems, Ecosystems and Human Systems in the Fast-Changing Arctic" is focused on terrestrial Arctic systems, and will include synthesis papers and scientific articles from several of the themes within T-MOSAiC.
Review papers are invited that consider one or more of the system level themes in the T-MOSAiC Science plan; papers that summarize Arctic terrestrial data sets, collections or protocols; and scientific articles that include Arctic data from within the 2019-2020 period, or over longer paleoclimate scales. Cross-disciplinary papers and papers that address Indigenous perspectives are especially encouraged.
This issue will be open for submissions from now until March 2021, and papers will be published online and citable with their doi number as soon as theypass through the peer review steps and are accepted. Authors are requested to mention in their cover letter that the submitted manuscript is for consideration in the T-MOSAiC specialissue.
Guest Editors: Warwick F. Vincent (Université Laval); Julia Boike (Alfred-Wegener-Institut); Victoria R. Buschman (Grønlands Naturinstitut& University of Washington); Frédéric Bouchard (CNRS & Université Paris); Scott Zolkos (WoodsHole ResearchCenter); Gregory H. R. Henry (University of British Columbia)